Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Night Flights...

That title has nothing to do with anything that I'm writing (or in the case of anyone reading this, and if anyone is reading this 1)Why? 2)Thanks! 3)You need a hobby, may I suggest Doctor Who?) tonight, but I was at a football game tonight so I was in that mood.

All right, on with the blog:

I have nothing really cool to discuss tonight, I'm more or less, trying to get in that habit of writing everyday, as I read was a good idea for aspiring writers, and let be honest, till you start getting a paycheck, that's the reality. 

I actually had a really productive writing week this week. Tuesday I wrote 2 Well Beyond Reason stories. They were short stories, which is nice for me as I have trouble finishing projects. I tend to get bored when I draw near the end of things. It's the worst of my creative habits. Wednesday I tinkered around with story 2 (The Virgin Sacrifice) a bit. Thursday I did some serious rewrites to it.

This comic exercise has been really good for me because I have a tendency to think in much broader terms. Example: my "short" film GROTESQUE is having trouble being programed into Film Festivals because it's too long. That's after I edited 5 minutes out of the movie which of course was after I edited twenty pages out of the script! Writing these "old school" short comic stories is really good because it's helping me keep focused while writing and creating. It's also simplifying my technique. I still want to take Andy Schmidt's online class. It can only help.

The artists I've got committed to this thing are awesome. Some are still rough around the edges, but so am I. But there's a few that are really good. There's a girl who I've got onboard, she's gotta a real manga-heavy style, which is interesting because I'm not into manga but I dig what she does. Her art is real cute, like a manga-y Amanda Conner. This guy I'm trying to get to headline issue one is a real (and by real I mean actual) pro! He's been published by Image and Viper. The fact that he wants to work with me is awesome. It's coming together.

On the filmmaking front, HOMECOMING is in a weird place. We've got it out to a couple different actors (TV actors) trying to get them onboard before approaching Sony with the pitch. I really don't want to put anymore creative thought into it until I know we're going to do it. If Sony balks, I think it might be the death of that project, but again who really cares. It's not like I haven't been rejected in the past. I just hate waiting. That's why I have like 14 different hobbies.

My friend Casie, who works for the Midwest Indy Film Fest, sent me a thing about a documentary contest. I have a week to put another pitch package together. They probably won't pick us, but again, the more writing and pitching I do, the better at it, I'm going to get. The concept: "Aliens In The City." Should be right up my alley. We'll see.

I've totally fallen in love with judo. I love learning a new discipline and this one fits me so well, almost better wrestling did at first. I want to continue to improve and keep moving myself into a position in which I am ready to compete. I actually miss physical competition and it looks liek judo is something you can for years. It's a great hobby that takes my mind off business (lets be honest, wrestling is a big part of my financial life) and filmmaking/comic writing (the end goal). Plus, it sounds like Sensei Thomas is hooking me up with some business in that venue as well. Work is always good. Though you think with all the time I spend at Bar/Bat Mitzvah's, I'd pick up some krav maga. 

Speaking of new loves, Doctor Who is awesome. I "discovered" this show this past spring and I can't get over how much I dig it. It appeals to so much I'm into; history, science, mythology (in the sense of the show's own mythology). I don't really get excited about TV shows (I'm in what business?) very often but this one is just so different and this one has such an extensive mythology that it's fun to go back and watch episodes from 40+ years ago. If you like comics, you should love The Doctor.

I've got a fairly extensive work day lined up for Saturday so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write then. However, I started doing this on Friday night and it's now spilled over into Saturday morning and I've written way more than I was planning on, so I wonder if that counts? I'll definitely do some writing on Sunday.

Till then.

Monday, August 17, 2009

So much for one of these a day...

So its been about eight months or since I last wrote in my blog. What can I say, I've been busy.

So, I'm supposed to be having a meeting with Dan my co-Producer about our Homecoming pitch to Sony Pictures Television's website and I'm frustrated and pissy cause we're not getting anything done.

So, I figured that waiting on Neil to get anything done on Vision Quest is a bit futile. He wants to draw the book but he's also committed to his fulltime job. So, I have to be patient, which as we all know isn't my strong suit.

Based on this I decided to get another artist and work on another project. I going to take my Well Beyond Reason idea which is pretty much the continuing adventures of Grotesque's Charlie Welles. At least I'll be able to get these stories out of my head and into something worthwhile.

Thinking about signing up for Andy Schmidt's (IDW editor on GIJOE) online comic writing course. I could always stand to learn how to actually write. Plus it's always good to actually work with an editor that will hear your pitches.

We'll see what happens.